EP: Call for a more ambitious global alliance against climate change

Nachfolgend wird eine geringfügig veränderte und gekürzte Pressemitteilung des Europäischen Parlaments dokumentiert.

The global alliance aimed at helping developing countries to fight climate change should receive at least 25% of the revenue of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, according to the EP Development Committee. In a report adopted on Monday, MEPs also question the sustainability criteria of biofuels.

The Global Climate Change Alliance proposed by the European Commission is intended to help the LDCs (Least Developed Countries) and SIDS (Small Island Developing States) to limit the impact of global warming.

In a report drafted by Anders Wijkman (EPP-ED, SE), the Development Committee argues that the budget of €60 million proposed by the Commission for 2008/2010 is not enough. MEPs believe the long-term funding goal should be at least €2 billion per year by 2010 and between €5 billion and €10 billion by 2020.
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